Damian Johnson:
So, let's drop that re-ratifying idea of the same things altogether. It creates more problems than it solves and does not add more legitimacy to previous decisions.
Hi Georg. I strongly disagree but this is a discussion I've had a few times so it's certainly a common concern. My reply the last few things is this: please enumerate the things you believe have been ratified.
Thus far the social contract is the only example anyone has mentioned. Please provide a full listing of the things you believe are ratified. This discussion is moot without that.
What about all the arguments I brought up in my mail against re-ratifying things? I see no discussion of a single one by you. Sure, you can strongly disagree without any counter-argument but that seems not a good idea to me.
I am not sure either why a full list of things already being ratified is an essential part of the discussion as my main point was a *general* one which IMO is valid even if we had not anything ratified by now. Be that as it may, the only item on that list so far is the social contract.