Notes for Apr 25 2019 meeting:
Alison: 1. Tor Meeting planning - How do we feel about this agenda layout (from Tails)? - roadmapping - plenaries - soliciting feedback from teams 2. all LFI all the time
Pili: 1) Catching up from vacations 2) S27 Roadmapping 3) Submitted Google Season of Docs application \o/ 4) Getting to grips with anticensorship proposal again
Steph: 1) interview in mozilla internet health report out yesterday 2) event prep and coordination: def con, NYC fundraiser, swiss uni conference 3) newsletter coming soon 4) met with BPL librarians, may collaborate with FPF on a workshop 5) helping with community portal, reviewing illos and copy 6) experimenting with google nonprofit setup 7) press inquiry from meduza
Nick: 1) Back from short break; catching up with code 2) working with gaba and team to make sure we do the most valuable S19 stuff before the contract closes.
Georg: 1) back from vacation and catching up on All The Things 2) 8.5a11 got out and we hope to build 8.5 next week 3) dealing with bug bounty paperwork
Sarah: 1) Helping with edits to anticensorship proposal that was approved. 2) Setting up back-end process to regularly invite donors to become monthly givers. 3) Applying to King County employee giving program. 4) Creating plan to solicit funds from for-profits. 5) Met with Michael Brennan from Ford. 6) Al submitted a proposal for $100K for general operating funds to Wallace Global Foundation
isabela: 1) had a great meeting with Michael Brennan from Ford - will go back there to present my vision in June 2) working on DRL anti-censorship proposal review (we had a call w/ DRL this week too) 3) working on documentation for board meeting 4) reviewed 2 grant proposals to private foundations for general ops fund and comms fund
Karsten: 1) Made progress on three new graphs on user-perceived performance: worst-case bandwidth, worst-case latency, more detailed failures and timeouts. 2) Moving forward with adding bandwidth files to Tor Metrics: currently working on metrics-lib parser and CollecTor protocol change.
Mike: 1) Preparing for tor-scalability meeting tomorrow. Have initial experiments page with a couple experiments ready to send around today. 2) Sponsor2 work
Antonela: 1) Working on #30000 for desktop. 2) Working on #27399, #29955 for TBA release. 3) Working on OONI ux labeled tickets to release Explorer. 4) Worked on related tickets. 5) Coordinated user research with Nah in Colombia. She is traveling with gus. 6) Syncing with Caroline about reporting and next travels. 7) Worked with Al reviewing O3 for DRL. 8) I'm writing 8 peer-reviews. 9) Meetings and moar meetings this week.
Gaba: 1) helping with DRL anti-censorship proposal - now figuring out security code audit (to bridgedb, tor browser?) that will be needed once grant is over (GeKo: I am fine with Tor Browser getting reviewed, (of course!); I think it would be really neat to have someone looking at BridgeDB code, though. Firefox code is getting heavily scrutinized already and the browser is a pretty big project, so the return we get from the audit might be bigger with BridgeDB.) 2) following scalability conversation 3) sponsor 27 4) checking on nextcloud 5) adjusting network team roadmap with nick 6) writing 8 peer reviews.
Erin: 1) general HR stuff