Hey there,
I'm not sure if I mentioned this on a public channel before, but I'm running a bandwidth authority from a VPS in HK.
It has been running since Aug 1st, 2016. For now, the results are being pushed to a repo[0] on a hourly basis.
I thought I'd mention this for anyone who wants to study them or if any of the DAs need a bwscanner to pair with. I'm planning to keep this running for the foreseeable future.
You can directly fetch the latest scan[1][2] or measured percentage[3].
I can later put them on a webserver if that makes a difference.
[0] https://github.com/mrphs/bwauth [1] https://github.com/mrphs/bwauth/blob/master/latest_bwscan [2] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrphs/bwauth/master/latest_bwscan [3] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrphs/bwauth/master/measured_percentage.tx...