Today, at around 19:49:00UTC, the IP address of check.torproject.org (AKA chiwui.torproject.org, TorDNSel and so on) has been changed. The service was using two IP addresses, which were changed as follows: became became
This IP change should be transparent to our users, unless you have hardcoded one of those IP addresses somewhere, which you should generally avoid for exactly that kind of situation.
This work is part of a larger effort to replace old hardware in the torproject.org infrastructure. In particular, this is part of decomissioning an old KVM host (textile.torproject.org AKA kvm1). The old server is still present in case the new one is showing signs of problems, but preliminary tests show that everything is working correctly.
Details of the transfer are available in ticket #31686 in Trac:
The old server will be decomissionned in one week from now, on february 11th, unless significant problems are reported with the new server.
No further disruptions are expected for this transition in the short term. Total outage was about an hour, intermittently.
Thanks for your attention,