Notes for January 5 2017 meeting:
Alison 1) Tor Glossary is nearly finished; where should it live until support.torproject.org is ready? 2) support portal work continues 3) next for community team: revisit Rapid Response Program, finish membership docs, continue Global South outreach push 4) LFP: currently working with some libraries on the border
Roger 1) Report-back from 33c3 -- happy to answer questions. 2) Working with Shari and Jon on invites for Amsterdam. 3) Follow-up on loose ends from Hamburg meetings. 4) I'm reviewing PETS papers this week. 5) Next week I'm going to the NSF PI meeting and the FTC Privacy Showcase. 6) Shout-out to Kate!
Georg 1) I'm taking care of my backlog (dealing with the OTF situation etc.) 2) I talked to asn about opening up our HackerOne bug bounty program. Any arguments for not doing that (right now)? <-- Georg is following up on that item coordinating with others (isabela, OTF and HackerOne folks etc.) 3) We need a new code signing certificate for Windows Tor Browser bundles later this year (the current one is valid up to May 25)
Shari 1) Writing up note to tor-internal about end-of-year campaign. It was more about rebuilding relationships and deploying infrastructure than whipping up a Twitter frenzy. We took in something over $100k. 2) Working on job description for Communications Director. Hope to distribute on Monday, January 9. 3) Looking for projects that need to be funded in 2017. Trying to get ahead of planning funding proposals and finding foundation funders. 4) Lots of meeting planning for Amsterdam. Jon's finding it very expensive (not a surprise, but still...) If folks have suggestions for venues, we're all ears! 5) Planning a short trip to San Francisco at the end of the month to touch base with a few folks there.
Nick 1) I'm in NYC for Real World Crypto, so: distracted this week. 2) Hiring for net team is a lot of work! 3) Planning to freeze in about 3 weeks. 4) Need help planning 2017.
Mike: 1) Misc.
Karsten: 1) Got some useful feedback on the new Metrics website, we'll fix a few things and go live some time next week, accompanied by a blog post. 2) Got more coding work done than usual, probably because everyone's on vacation.