On Mon, 11 Jan 2016 11:03:32 +0100 Jens Kubieziel maillist@kubieziel.de wrote:
How to get here? Jena has no airport. The next airports are in Erfurt and Leipzig. However Berlin, Frankfurt/M. and Munich are a trainride (2-3 hours) away. Also several bus companies stop here (BerlinLinienBus, MeinFernbus etc.). So from my impression it is easy to get here, YMMV.
If I'm the only one that thinks travel would be excessive, then please don't let me be the person that keeps this from moving forward (esp since I will be moving internationally again RSN).
That said, going from East-Asia to Jena would comfortably exceed 30 h of total travel time, and I don't see myself being in any condition to navigate a train system to get to a hotel.
What do you think? Should we move this idea forward?
But, like I said, I'm indifferent since I'm moving. Though West Coast US is on the candidate lists for some inexplicable reason, so travel from there is likely to be fairly painful to most of Europe...