yesterday I tried to setup Gitlab Community Edition as a hidden service. Nearly almost worked until I tested the functionality of pushing back into the online repo - gitlab's shell told me first this error:
Failed to connect to internal API <POST http://http://gitlab.agsdcxdr6z2wbjf5.onion/api/v3/internal/allowed%3E: #<SocketError: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known>
So i configured my server to relay .onion addresses to the Tor DNS port. But after that I'm getting the following error:
[2016-01-31T17:24:43.071616 #1219] WARN -- : Failed to connect to internal API <POST http://gitlab.agsdcxdr6z2wbjf5.onion/api/v3/internal/allowed%3E: #<Errno::EINVAL: Invalid argument - connect(2) for "gitlab.agsdcxdr6z2wbjf5.onion" port 80>
I'm out of ideas for now, does anybody has a clue what can be done now to resolve this?
Cheers! spriver