On 8 March 2016 at 20:17, Ann O'Nymous <ann.onymous@vfemail.net> wrote:
Strictly, that would be just "Rendezvous Single-Onion Services". To
emphasize the not-hidden aspect, I like "Exposed Onion Services".
"Exposed Rendezvous Single-Onion Services" is too long. In any case,
"Rendezvous" and "Single-Onion" are probably not very meaningful for 
naive users.

It's an interesting approach. 

I, too, don't like the Overly Long And Wordy Verbose Tautological Point-Making approach to naming schemes.

The community is harmed more from not having the code than by believing a consensus opinion will form in an open-email-list community process.

We can survive with calling them all "Onion Services" with "Hidden" and "Open" variants if, though I despair that "Open" is an essentially meaningless label which requires clarification and explanation.

But then perhaps that's what's needed?  Nobody seems willing to make a call on the Tor side, and the rest of us here are just spinning our wheels. 

Let's go with the "mediocre-but-at-least-it's-short".

