Not to put too fine a point on it: I would start by running an onion server on a dedicated machine in a network enclave behind NAT and with intentionally invalid hostnames, so that any/all metadata that might leak in (say) Apache headers, is mostly useless; the NAT-internal network would be, the hostname "invalid.invalid", etc...
It was thinking like this which led me to draft this (now slightly dated) document; but overall it still is useful:
The other benefit of putting your onion servers in a NAT enclave is that you can lock down your guards to a limited set and drill holes in your firewall specifically for those, and then ban all other outgoing traffic from your machine; this will help prevent identification via DNS lookups, package update checks, pingbacks in your CMS stack, etc.
Then: work out for yourself how to do software updates via (say) a HTTP proxy + VPN.