Hi Tor Team,
We are Tunisian Internet Agency (ATI),
a public internet provider, we look to setup a public tor mirror in our datacenter,
we proceed with your recommandations in https://2019.www.torproject.org/docs/running-a-mirror.html.en
Bellow some details :
*ATI* : Tunisian Internet Agency ( 22, rue Medina Belvedere 1002 Tunis, Tunisia )
*Country* : Tunisia
*Contact email address*: mirror@ati.tn
*Bandwith* : 2x1 Gbit/s (redundancy)
*Disk Space* : 4 To
*host* : http://tor-mirror.ati.tn/
*OS* : CentOS 7.9 and Apache 2.4
*IP* : callto:
*Update frequency* : 4 times
Please find in attachment a csv file.
thank you
best chams
*RIAHI Chamseddine* *Cloud Supervisor* *Tel : +216147732 * *Mob : +216 97443012 <callto:+216 97443012>*