As you may or may not have noticed, the mirror at alebcay.tk has been unresponsive/out-of-date for at least a week now. This is because my domain name expired and my domain name provider would not let me renew the domain. Thus, I'm hosting all of the services under the new domain, calebxu.tk. The CSV entry for the alebcay.tk mirror should be modified to the following:
calebcenter@live.com, calebxu.tk, US, United States, US, TRUE, FALSE, NO, http://tor.calebxu.tk, , rsync://calebxu.tk/tor, ftp://ftp.calebxu.tk, http://tor.calebxu.tk/dist, , ,
Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience. -- Caleb Xu
"But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” ~Joshua 24:15
On 08/16/2014 03:41 PM, Caleb Xu wrote:E, NO,
Thanks for running a mirror. I've added it to the list which should go live in the next day or so.