I have just set up a new mirror. Note that it's hosted behind the same IP address as a non-exit relay. I hope this is not a problem?
The mirror is hosted on a home server with a stable 500 Mbps uplink.
Here are the details:
adminContact: stian@nortor.no orgName: nortor.no isoCC: NO subRegion: Bergen region: Hordaland ipv4: TRUE ipv6: TRUE loadBalanced: No httpWebsiteMirror: http://mirror.nortor.no httpsWebsiteMirror: https://mirror.nortor.no rsyncWebsiteMirror: N/A ftpWebsiteMirror: N/A httpDistMirror: http://mirror.nortor.no/dist httpsDistMirror: https://mirror.nortor.no/dist rsyncDistMirror: N/A hiddenServiceMirror: http://t6phizbufdw7fqgy.onion updateDate: N/A
Formated as found in https://gitweb.torproject.org/project/web/webwml.git/plain/include/tor-mirro...:
adminContact, orgName, isoCC, subRegion, region, ipv4, ipv6, loadBalanced, httpWebsiteMirror, httpsWebsiteMirror, rsyncWebsiteMirror, ftpWebsiteMirror, httpDistMirror, httpsDistMirror, rsyncDistMirror, hiddenServiceMirror, updateDate
stian@nortor.no, nortor.no, NO, Bergen, Hordaland, TRUE, TRUE, No, http://mirror.nortor.no, https://mirror.nortor.no, , , http://mirror.nortor.no/dist, https://mirror.nortor.no/dist, , http://t6phizbufdw7fqgy.onion,