On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 01:26:08PM +0000, SDL@nexiom.net wrote 6.8K bytes in 0 lines about: : I've been running a couple of Tor relays for some time but have some spare resources/bandwidth so figured why not run a Tor site mirror as well. I've setup a mirror at https://torproject.nexiom.net/. The site mandates HTTPS (seems sensible for Tor) and HTTP will redirect to the equivalent HTTPS URL. The site is set to rsync every six hours and is located in the US. A Tor relay also runs on the same box but I assume this shouldn't be an issue in itself. I can purchase an additional IP address if this is desirable to separate out the relay traffic and the site traffic at the IP level but am hoping this isn't necessary.
Thanks for running a mirror! I've added you to the official list.