Hi Alex,
1) How much traffic does an "average" mirror get every month?
This are some traffic stats (in MB) of one of my machines: - 2014/01: 13.432.880 (6.779.133 in / 6.653.747 out) - 2014/02: 11.819.848 (6.110.212 in / 5.709.636 out) - 2014/03: 13.114.258 (6.885.720 in / 6.228.538 out) - 2014/04: 4.858.630 (2.540.889 in / 2.317.741 out) - 2014/05: 7.729.418 (3.914.204 in / 3.815.214 out) - 2014/06: 16.973.778 (8.400.915 in / 8.572.863 out) - 2014/07: 14.780.378 (7.729.226 in / 7.051.152 out) - 2014/08: 17.505.642 (8.898.848 in / 8.606.794 out) - 2014/09: 16.402.615 (8.437.329 in / 7.965.286 out)
This machine serves as a tor website and dist mirror, relay and several other mirrors (perhaps tails, kali and other security related sites). Load is not a problem, see your question 3) I do mix everything to net get clear stats per mirror.
2) Do mirror hosts see a lot of DoS attacks or break-in attempts?
My nodes did not get any (or I did not see any ;-)). But it is exposed like any other machine on the world wide web. So be sure to implement operational security, e.g. https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/OperationalSecurity
- Is it a good idea to run a mirror and a relay on the same machine?
I do have it running, combined with other mirrors in order to get washy traffic stats for anyone watching.
Greets! PW