Hi all,
correctly configured HSTS enabled hosts don't serve their content over HTTP; they will *only* serve a 302 redirect to HTTPS. Therefor most of the discussion is entirely mute. Anybody banned from HTTPS will not be able to access the contect through HTTP because they will only receive a redirection to HTTPS. Any HSTS enabled server configured to serve content over HTTP is *broken*. Therefor the multiple suggestions on the list about making it a "user exercise" to disable HSTS on their browser are complete nonsense. Making content available on HTTP and therefor breaking HSTS is a administrative decision on the server side; there is nothing users can do to access a correctly configured HSTS enabled server if they are banned from using HTTPS. Anybody suggesting otherwise has missed the entire point of HSTS and should read up on the topic before writing about things they obviously do not understand.
Being someone that travels a lot to third world countries and China I can tell you that blocking HTTPS completely is a thing of the past though. The section of the wiki recommending to disable HTTPS and/or enable HTTP is completely outdated and so is this discussion. Contrary to public oppinion the administrators of national firewalls know what they are doing and have information about the world around them. As more and more domains (espicially the big ones) are moving to HSTS and most browsers include preload lists most national firewalls have moved to transparent proxies with SSLBumping. Although the SSLBumping renders the encryption worthless people behind these firewalls have access to HTTPS and will be able to download from HSTS enabled mirrors.
The problem of today is not wehter or not users can access files though HTTPS; it's about wether or not a transparent proxy will recognize the tor installer for what it is and block its download.