Hello again, be aware that I've migrated my Tor mirror to a new server now running lighttpd. With that I also automatically redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS now. Feel free to remove or keep HTTP access listed on the mirror list. (technically it is still there but automatically redirected to HTTPS)
The change should be live as soon as DNS updates. Should you notice any problems please contact me.
For anybody looking to run a Tor mirror using lighttpd, I've found this setup which helped me out: https://www.torservers.net/wiki/setup/webserver (maybe it should be added to the site?)
On 2012-01-07 01:32, IceBear wrote:
Hello, I'd like to introduce myself to the mailing list: My name is IceBear and I run the website and services on, around and about http://myRL.net/. I've recently added a new mirror for the Tor project hosted in Island:
HTTP: http://tor.myrl.net/ http://tor.myrl.net/dist/
HTTPS: https://tor.myrl.net/ https://tor.myrl.net/dist/
A cronjob to update the mirror every 5 hours is currently set up. Feel free to send any suggestions and comments.