Hello Galou,
I know :D But on the Tor site i read it was prefered not to force it because sometimes https is not allowed (in some places).
I did notice i made a mistake when i send the list. I wrote http 2 times lol.
Organisation is Disciples of Disorder btw.
I change my https forcing right now.
Greetings, Vargr
Sent from [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.ch), encrypted email based in Switzerland.
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: [tor-mirrors] Mirror site to add Local Time: December 21 2015 1:31 pm UTC Time: December 21 2015 12:31 pm From: galougentil@riseup.net To: tor-mirrors@lists.torproject.org CC: tor-mirrors@lists.torproject.org
Hi Vargr,
Running a Tor mirror website over a regular HTTP connection is such a bad idea, and should be considered as "bad practice" today. It would be great if you could force HTTPS.
On Dec 21 2015, at 12:51 pm, Vargr Vargr@protonmail.com wrote:
vargr@protonmail.com, Vargr, NL, Netherlands, NL, TRUE, FALSE, NO, http://http://tor.mirror.disciplesofdisorder.eu/, https://tor.mirror.disciplesofdisorder.eu/,,,http://tor.mirror.disciplesofdi..., https://tor.mirror.disciplesofdisorder.eu/dist/,,vargrevir52vbte.onion, Mon Dec 21 12:50 2015
Greetings, Vargr
Sent from [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.ch), encrypted email based in Switzerland.