I think the problem is the .htaccess file. Which is read by Apache but ignored by Nginx.
The big banner on top works. The big green button links directly to torproject.org and not to the mirror site (https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate-pdr-hp) which in turn then gets redirected to donate.torproject.org/pdr.
My mirror does not even have donate/donate-pdr.hp
The smaller violet "Donate" button below does not. It links to donate/donate-button.html.en on the mirror site, which is there but has 0 bytes.
Also the "Donate" link in the footer of the page, below "Get Involved" does not work. It links to donate/donate-foot.html.en on the mirror site, which also has zero bytes.
Then there is the big yellow "DONATE" button on the Download page. Which has the same problem. 0 bytes in donate/donate-download.html.en.
On the main torproject.org site all of those get redirect to https://donate.torproject.org/ by a HTTP 302 message.
Tested on https://tor.zilog.es/
On 08.11.2017 13:27, Paul Templeton wrote:
Seems fine from my mirror. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Alain Wolf"
tormaster@urown.net > To: tor-mirrors@lists.torproject.org > Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 3:00:26 PM > Subject: [tor-mirrors] No donations from mirrors > > > Hi > > Mothership has setup a redirection to a new donation website. > > The mirrored HTML pages have now zero bytes. > > As mirror-servers don't have that redirection in their configurations, > the buttons and links return a white-screen of death.
Regards. > > torproject.urown.net >