this are the same information like before, or?
Bye, Carolin
Am Montag, den 19.06.2017, 10:24 +0700 schrieb Huỳnh Tiến:
We are VinaHost and now we already sync all your data at rsync -avq --delete rsync://rsync.torproject.org/dist-mirror/ /mirrors/torproject.org/dist/ --progress
The server address: Email to contact: tienhn@vinahost.vn The http address of the mirror: https://mirror.vinahost.vn/torpro
ject.org/ The rsync address of the mirror: rsync://mirror.vinahost.vn/torproject.org or mirror.vinahost.vn::torproject.org Our company URL: https://vinahost.vn Our company name: VinaHost
Waiting for your reply. And let me know what i need to do more to become your mirrors
Thanks you & Best regards
tor-mirrors mailing list tor-mirrors@lists.torproject.org https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-mirrors