Hi there:
I run the new-ish mirror located at `tor.mirrors.samwhited.com` and have a quick question for any other mirror maintainers out there using Nginx.
I noticed that the download link in a recent TBB announcement linked to the download page as https://torproject.org/download/download/ (which returns the page located at /download/download.html.en). After looking over the various other mirrors I noticed that many of them did not correctly mimic this behavior (including my own). The default Nginx configuration from the mirror configuration page also doesn't include anything like this.
Does anyone have a decent nginx server config to mimic this? Presumably it should also work for other languages, but I've never seen a configuration example which would do that either.
Best, Sam
- -- Sam Whited pub 4096R/EC2C9934
SamWhited.com sam@samwhited.com 404.492.6008