Hi everyone!

I'm Sambuddha, a junior year undergraduate from IIIT-Hyderabad, India. This summer, I will be working on expanding Nyx(previously known as Arm) as a part of GSoC 2016.

Nyx had its last release(1.4.5) back in 2012 and is presently under development for its next release. Some of the things that I will be working on are, getting the interpreter panel[1] back to Nyx, making use of additional relay information provided by Onionoo and expanding unit testing for Nyx. You can read my complete project proposal at [2].

My primary mentor is Damian Johnson (atagar) and my secondary mentor is Sebastian.

I plan on working on the project from the first week of May till the end of July. During this time, I will be sending bi-weekly reports to this list. I'm open to any questions or suggestions and, my IRC nick is: sambuddhabasu1


[1]: https://www.atagar.com/arm/images/screenshot_interpretor_full.png
[2]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12bZZq_eOMNYR8rxP4AhEgkayamLcWWul35aKgy4UC1s/edit?usp=sharing