Hello everyone,

I seem to have found an issue (bug?) with the controller HSFETCH command - I can't seem to be able to fetch hidden service descriptors for services that use basic authentication. Tor appears to want to decrypt the introduction points for some reason and also fails to look at the HidServAuth directive. Connections (via SOCKS proxy for instance) to said service work fine, so Tor is configured correctly, but HSFETCH fails and Tor outputs this in the logs:

Jun 29 20:08:53.000 [warn] Failed to parse introduction points. Either the service has published a corrupt descriptor or you have provided invalid authorization data.

Jun 29 20:08:53.000 [warn] Fetching v2 rendezvous descriptor failed. Retrying at another directory.

Is this a known issue? Is there another way to fetch the descriptor of a hidden service? I really don't want it to be published since I'm rewriting it anyway, but I need to fetch it somehow. I can use "PublishHidServDescriptors 0" to stop it from publishing the service at all but I have no idea how to fetch it from the local cache. Any controller commands for that?

To summarize - HSFETCH appears to fail for hidden services with basic auth and I couldn't find a way to obtain the hidden service descriptor from the hidden service machine itself before publishing. Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Razvan Dragomirescu
Chief Technology Officer
Cayenne Graphics SRL