teor:Hi Nick,Suggestion: Add a field to hold the Ed25519 Identity of the relay beingmeasured. Say that implementations SHOULD include both RSA fingerprintand Ed25519 identity, and that implementations SHOULD accept lines thatcontain at least one of them.Suggestion: the ed25519 IDs should be base64 encoded, without a trailing =, because a trailing = makes the format ambiguous.
You're talking about the certificate, right?.
This would change the concept of "line", since the certificate is more
than one "line".
This is how it is defined in dir-list-spec.txt
base64-encoded-ed25519-identity :== "-----BEGIN ED25519 CERT-----" NL
certificate "-----END ED25519 CERT-----" NL
"master-key-ed25519" SP MasterKey NL
[At most once]
Contains the base-64 encoded ed25519 master key as a single argument. If it is present, it MUST match the identity key in the identity-ed25519 entry.