
I'm trying to get a working build of Tor so I can learn more about working on item "m. Improve test coverage in Tor".  Apologies ahead of time for being green; this seemed to be the most accessible place to start contributing...I read through doc/HACKING and I'm slowly working through that.

I'm running osx 10.9.4.  I ran:

$ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure
checking for libevent directory... configure: WARNING: We found the libraries for libevent, but we could not find the C header files.  You may need to install a devel package.
configure: error: Missing headers; unable to proceed.

I installed libevent-2.0.21-stable from source, and then nickm on #tor-dev helped me see some permissions issues in /usr/local/include/event2 and /usr/local/lib/libevent* ; please see: [http://0bin.net/paste/fuObUINKL1EOICf8#jJuGjo2wv65-7QNcHLGBcFPsNdAwhRlWmg6OWfzCuLC]

I found reference to this error on the tor-relay mailing list here, but I didn't get far with any of those suggested fixes, and it's also for osx 10.4.  This is the first hit when I google the error: [https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2012-January/001192.html]
