On Aug 10, 2015, at 2:00 PM, Philipp Winter <phw@nymity.ch> wrote:

Vanity addresses encourage people to only verify the human-readable part
of an address before clicking on it.  That creates a false sense of
security, which is already exploited by spoofed onion service addresses
whose prefix and suffix mimics the original onion address.

That does strike me as a risk.  

That said, if an address is completely incapable, even hostile to validation by human eyeballs, then what happens is “trust” migrates to using a bunch of tools which are forgeable, spoofable, hackable, trojanable.

The resultant risk might be worse for its greater resistance to detection.


ps: for an investigation of what happens when you build a “communities” app around “non-human-readable” barcodes and without a discovery mechanism, see this article; such innovation gives me great hope for humanity finding solutions to apparently high-friction technologies, but it also clearly hampers broader inclusiveness, the latter arguably being one of Tor’s most important goals:


Alec Muffett
Security Infrastructure
Facebook Engineering