
Thanks for the help so far.
Based on the feedback and guidance here is a rough timeline.
Few queries are also included, seeking help to resolve them also.

April 22 - May 22:
 Grok the papers mentioned at http://www.cs.kau.se/philwint/spoiled_onions/
 Get more in depth understanding of tor design (relays, directory descriptors etc)

May 22 - June 21:
Make Exitmap fully autonomous (https://github.com/NullHypothesis/exitmap/issues/7)

June 22 - July 15:
Create module(s) which emulate a user and explore the web dynamically.

July 15 - August 15:
Write unit tests and if time permits, work on extended goals.

Extended goals:
#1 create a module which does anomaly detection(machine learning)
#2 write behavioral and integration tests.

Would be grateful for any feedback on this.

#1 In bin/exitmap "#!/usr/bin/env python" is used instead of specifying python2 or python3, Can I assume that code currently contains nothing which makes it biased towards one python version or the other. If yes then should one keep python2 in mind when developing ?
#2 As per the list subscribers' opinion, should the unit test be written after implementing core functionality only or is it better to write test alongside after each iteration of finishing parts of task? (in context of exitmap).
#3 Should one aspire for as much less dependency on external libraries (other than stem) or if no then should one follow a rubrik when selecting a library ?

Best Regards.

Deepankar Tyagi
Projects & Resume : deepankar.io

On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 5:06 AM, Philipp Winter <phw@nymity.ch> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 08, 2016 at 10:18:20PM +0530, Deepankar Tyagi wrote:
> On Mar 8, 2016 9:31 PM, "Philipp Winter" <phw@nymity.ch> wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 08, 2016 at 11:35:03AM +0530, Deepankar Tyagi wrote:
> > > idea #2 Exitmap Improvements
> > >
> > > I got stuck when defining timeline for this project.
> > > I would appreciate any insights regarding what should be deliverable by
> > > mid-term of GSoC.
> I would be very grateful if you could also give any insight regarding your
> expectations by gsoc midterm.

The particular deliverables will depend on the tasks you want to tackle,
but I would really like to see running code for continuous scanning:

For now, that's the most interesting and important outstanding issue.
