On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 6:02 AM, Gareth Owen <gareth.owen@port.ac.uk> wrote:
Dear all

Sorry if this is the wrong list (please tell me if it is).

I'm undertaking research into the tor HS DHT and have a couple of questions.  I know at present, a node must be on for 25 hours to participate in the DHT; however, periodically I wish to make small code changes to Tor and restart the node (aka fairly instantly/within minutes) but this causes me to lose the HSDir flag.  So my questions are:

1) Is there anyway to restart Tor without losing the HSDir flag?
2) Is uptime self reporting - e.g. is a node's self reported uptime trusted or is it obtained elsewhere - I couldn't find the answer in the code.  I guess what I'm getting at, is can I fake the uptime to get the HSDir flag?

from comment 1 in,
it seems that uptime is self-reported in the descriptor and
that the directory authorities probably shouldn't be trusting it

rather than messing with that, maybe you want to setup an
experiment with shadow
and turn on
TestingTorNetwork 1
so that
MinUptimeHidServDirectoryV2 0



Dr Gareth Owen
School of Computing
University of Portsmouth

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