Hello Tobias and Rene!
Hi Tobias and Rene,
we noticed your new relays [1] that you run for your research project.
For transparency reasons I'd like to encourage you to set MyFamily in your torrc configuration (using fingerprints not nicknames).
Malicious entities are exploiting misconfigured relay groups by using their ContactInfo and if you haven't set MyFamily properly we have a hard time telling your relays apart from someone else using your ContactInfo.
To allow for automated verification of your relay's attribution to your domain it would be best to make use of the IANA registered "tor-relay" well-known URI to publish your list of relay fingerprints:
and you would then add this string to your ContactInfo for automated verification: url:www.digidow.eu proof:uri-rsa ciissversion:2
specs: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/torspec/-/blob/master/proposals/326-t... https://nusenu.github.io/ContactInfo-Information-Sharing-Specification/ https://www.iana.org/assignments/well-known-uris/well-known-uris.xhtml
for examples see: https://nusenu.github.io/OrNetStats/#verified-operator-domains
When replying you can drop the mailing list from CC since it requires you to be subscribed to post to it.
Please keep me in the Cc list, too, in that case so the Tor Project is in the loop, too.
Thanks, Georg