Arthur D. Edelstein:
Hi All,
What's the correct procedure for localizing strings in torbutton? Do I just need to add strings to src/chrome/locale/en/torbutton.dtd, update the references in the code, and then translators take care of the rest?
Yes this is correct. You add your new strings only to english, and when they get pushed to origin/master, transifex automatically copies placeholder strings in english into all of our other locales, and also starts giving us translations as they appear. We obtain these copies/translations via the trans_tools/ script, which I run periodically and before tagging new releases.
And what about tor-browser.git?
For strings in the browser, we also put them in Torbutton currently and simply use those entities from Tor Browser, as we have no localization infrastructure that is capable of splitting strings between ours and Firefox's.