Nicolas Vigier:
As I'm a little sick today, in addition to being very tired after not enough sleep and spending too much time reading about depressing things in the last 3 days, I think I will be missing the meeting today and try to sleep early instead. Next days should be better.
Get better soon!
During this week I'm planning to work on #16009 (moving away from Mozmill to Marionette), and try to write a PoC extension that cause the same crash as mozmill on the ASAN build, to be able to reopen the Mozilla bug[1] with more details.
It seems we misunderstood each other here. :( When talking to you on IRC a couple of days ago I said (or I intented to say) I'll create that one to get the ball back to Mozilla. Sorry, if that did not come across. But the good news is that I just reopened the bug with a PoC extension (so, no "extra" work for you).
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