Matt Pagan:
Hello tbb-devs. Here are a few divergent thoughts on presenting the Tor Browser manual in a sensible manner for Tor Browser users. Please provide feedback regarding whether any of these seem reasonable/feasible.
Concerns have been raised about both the PDF and HTML formats. However, concerns about the PDF format are not blockers to deployment, whereas concerns about the HTML format have been.
So far, mikeperry, mcs, brade, and gk have all expressed favorable opinions about using the PDF format. Ultimately the developers have and continue to put in the most work to make the Tor Browser what it is, so I think respecting their vision for the Tor Browser makes sense.
I'm now of the opinion that going with a PDF manual for some or all of the content presents us with the clearest path forward. I think this would be some variation of presentation mode 1). Of course this doesn't mean that we can't host an online version of the manual as well.