Hi all,
I _think_ I've managed to build a 64-bit version of Tor Browser for Mac OS. Specifically, I built the entire bundle, but only TorBrowser was modified to be 64bit. The changes I made are here: https://github.com/tomrittervg/tor-browser/commit/79fbe1e3ffde1ac3577a9937aa... (ignore the last couple lines commenting out some options I had added, then removed).
The bundles are here: https://ritter.vg/misc/transient/2014-09-02-4.x-1-build1-tjr5/
It would be fantastic if anyone could test the bundles and/or the patch and determine if
a) you agree it's 64 bit b) it works c) anyone else can reproduce a 64 bit build (I'm not going for full reproducibility right now, just a successfull build that is 64 bit)