Hi friends,

I'm super excited to share that it is now possible to translate OONI Explorer to any language!

This is thanks to the amazing Localization Lab, which has created a new project for OONI Explorer on Transifex: https://www.transifex.com/otf/ooni-explorer/

# About OONI Explorer

OONI Explorer is one of the largest open datasets on internet censorship around the world: https://explorer.ooni.org/

Every time you run OONI Probe, your test results get automatically published on OONI Explorer in real-time as open data. 

By helping to localize OONI Explorer, you will enable researchers and human rights defenders worldwide to learn about (and respond to) censorship events based on real-time open data.

# How to translate OONI Explorer

 If you would like to help translate OONI Explorer to your language, you can do so by signing up with Transifex to join the OONI Explorer project: https://www.transifex.com/otf/ooni-explorer/

You can then review existing translations, and/or contribute a new translation (by requesting that that new language gets added through the Transifex platform). 

Thanks so much for your time and support! <3

