Hi Snehan,
Snehan Kekre:
> Hello excellent ooni people,
> I've written a blog post (https://snehankekre.github.io/anti-censorCHIP)
> about installing ooniprobe on a $9 computer called CHIP that runs a flavor
> of Debian.
Thank you for your good words and publishing a blog post about
installing ooniprobe on CHIP.
> I would appreciate any feedback, suggestions, or comments. I'll
> use them to make necessary changes to reflect accurate delivery. I've used
> some images and a lot of lines from the ooni website.
The 4th step in the install section of the blog post
is not needed since Step 3 will get all the available dependencies.
However given that are a number of bugs
in the Debian ooniprobe packages, I will suggest you instead to install
ooniprobe with pip and use the following install guide:
As Vasilis points out you don’t actually need to install those extra dependencies via pip and are already part of the package installation, however you should NOT install ooniprobe via pip as it’s not the best way to install packages that will run as root.
The issues with the debian package are being actively worked on and I have some sample debian packages if you would like to try them out (https://github.com/hellais/ooniprobe-fpm#debian) and as soon as they are ready the canonical torproject debian package will be updated and all the outstading issues should be resolved.
In the Step 5. you don’t actually need to run oonideckgen, but you can directly find the location of your decks by running ooniprobe --info ,it should be in /var/lib/ooni/decks.
Usually ooniprobe is more useful when it performs regular (scheduled)
network measurements, I will suggest you to add the following steps to
the install guide:
1. Configure ooniprobe
either via the GUI (setup wizard) or from the shell (ooniprobe initialize)
2. Add ooniprobe system service
> Is there a standard format to provide credit to ooni devs?
Everything published on the website is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0).
~ Arturo