Hi Team,


Good evening. Please refer below

TOR exit node list : https://check.torproject.org/exit-addresses.

Which has following fields:

ExitNode 63BA28370F543D175173E414D5450590D73E22DC      
Published 2010-12-28 07:35:55                          
LastStatus 2010-12-28 08:10:11                         
ExitAddress 2010-12-28 07:10:30 
Based on documentation I found here : 


the above fields have the below meaning : 
ExitNode - fingerprint of the exit relay node
Published - Descriptor publishing time which  07:35:55
LastStatus - relay node was contained in a version 2 network status made at 08:10:11
ExitAddress - ip address for exit node was found in a test performed at 07:10:30.
However, I am not clear on what is the meaning of timings mentioned in LastStatus and ExitAddress fields,
 if you can please explain that or point me to right documentation ?.
Also apart from exit-address and torbulkexitlist is there any other list which mentions last seen time or has more detailed metadata about exit list nodes ? .
Kindly answer the above questions.