On 11/13/2017 12:04 PM, Vasilis wrote:
Hi mini,

On 11/09/2017 12:42 PM, Vasilis wrote:
>From now on the torproject.org will speak multiple languages (!) though
we we need translations for this to happen.
On the yesterday's meeting [1] we agreed that it makes sense to
prioritize the download pages [1], [2], [3], [4] first.
We are doing a hackathon in R'lyeh hacklab to translate this to spanish.
Neat, how was the hackathon?
Hey we've finished the translations and in the middle we teach one of our girls how to git like a pro, we end up doing a fork and pushing the changes there [1] So in case you need them asap you can grab them there.

What would be the best way to push the translation?
We try with transifex but the accou is still waiting for aproval.



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