[ux] Brand naming resources, inspired by Orfox, Pearl, Mini-tor discussion

Nathan of Guardian nathan at guardianproject.info
Thu May 19 12:59:17 UTC 2016

On Thu, May 19, 2016, at 02:50 AM, Philip L. wrote:
> I think, it would be useful if the staff could answer the question in
> point D2. The ideas in the thread are a bit disorganized. Any ideas how

One of the things I have been dwelling on with "mobile Tor" is that we
have to express the idea that we know and care more about the geographic
or economic situation our users might be in. With desktop apps you
rarely have to think about this. If we want to expand beyond the image
of being for elites, activists, or other sophisticated users. We have to
care about being efficient with bandwidth usage (aka saving money) and
battery life (electricity is not always available). We have to not make
our app downloads too big and use memory well (maybe phones have only a
few hundred MB for storage and 512MB ram). We have to express that we
make our users lives better and not just more complicated.

This is why i like the name Pearl, beyond the onion connotation, as it
is about this beautiful core essence, stuck inside this shell and buried
in mud and muck. We strip all that away, and give this essential ability
to connect without fear. We also, in many cases as users report, make
browsing faster and lighter due to blocking cookies and javascript, and
free of the "everything I am searching for will be logged and tracked
forever" mindset.

These are issues that Isabela and I have been brainstorming and throwing
around, and I will share more as they form up.
  Nathan of Guardian
  nathan at guardianproject.info

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