[ux] Fwd: [Soups-announce] CHI 2016 Workshop: Bridging the Gap between Privacy by Design and Privacy in Practice

Nima Fatemi nima at torproject.org
Wed Dec 9 18:28:37 UTC 2015


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Subject: [Soups-announce] CHI 2016 Workshop: Bridging the Gap between
Privacy by Design and Privacy in Practice
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 13:12:27 -0500
From: Lorrie Faith Cranor <lorrie at cs.cmu.edu>
To: soups-announce at cups.cs.cmu.edu

This may be of interest to SOUPS folks….

CHI 2016 Workshop: Bridging the Gap between Privacy by Design and
Privacy in Practice
San Jose, California

Organizers: Luke Stark (New York University), Jen King (University of
California Berkeley), Xinru Page (Bentley University), Airi Lampinen
(Mobile Life Center), Jessica Vitak (University of Maryland), Pamela
Wisniewski (University of Central Florida), Tara Whalen (Google), Nathan
Good (Good Research)

Call for Participation

This intensive one-day workshop (May 7th or 8th, 2016) aims to
reinvigorate conversations in the CHI community around privacy and
design by refocusing attention on developing methods to systematically
incorporate privacy into design processes. The workshop will bring
together leading privacy researchers in academia and industry to unpack
the barriers preventing “privacy by design” (PbD) concepts from being
implemented in real world contexts. Through this workshop, participants
will suggest privacy heuristics focused explicitly on PbD to better
address the challenges that have prevented their adoption by
practitioners; formulate concrete strategies for bridging the divide
between privacy research, design, and implementation; and build and
strengthen academic-industry partnerships to enable new research
opportunities that span these arenas.

Potential participants are asked to submit 2 to 4 page position papers
in CHI extended abstract format that address the workshop themes and
highlighted topics provided in the call. To foster broader
participation, we also encourage designers and other industry
practitioners to submit alternative material of rough equivalence (e.g.,
a design portfolio, white paper, or similar).  We encourage that authors
make suggestions about relevant design guidelines, heuristics, or
existing research in their papers for further discussion at the workshop.

Submissions will be accepted based on the relevance and development of
the chosen topic, as well as their potential to contribute to the
workshop discussions and goals. Papers will be peer-reviewed by the
workshop’s Program Committee, a full list of which is available on the
workshop website. Submitters should also review the report from the CCC
Privacy Enabling Design workshop
[http://cra.org/ccc/events/pbd-privacy-enabling-design/] for background
on the ongoing discussion in this area.

Please submit position papers or industry relevant materials to the
workshop organizers at privacybydesign2016 at gmail.com. Submission
deadlines are as follows:

Early acceptance round submissions (for those who require notification
within the FY2015 for administrative purposes) due: December 18, 2015
Early acceptance round notifications to participants: 21 December, 2015

Final acceptance round submissions due: 13 January, 2016
Final acceptance round notifications to participants: 29 January, 2016

Participants’ final submissions due: 12 February, 2016

Successful position papers, workshop information and other materials can
be found at https://networkedprivacy2016.wordpress.com/. Please note
that at least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the
workshop and that all participants must register for both the workshop
and for at least one day of the conference.

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Soups-announce at mailman.srv.cs.cmu.edu

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