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On 2/3/2011 5:09 PM, Aplin, Justin M wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:4D4B35C7.4090602@ufl.edu" type="cite">On
2/3/2011 5:53 PM, Geoff Down wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">...
Neither could I. It may be entirely in memory. Nevertheless that
was the
conclusion I came to. It's not the IP address being cached, it's
response from the site I would say. Your new request is never
being sent
(via your new IP) because Polipo is returning the cached version
of the
page IMO.
Anyone have other ideas?
Before he goes through all that trouble, wouldn't it be worth just
SOCKSifying Firefox to use Tor directly, rather than Polipo? If
it's some hidden cache issue with Polipo, the issue would
disappear then, no? Also he mentions opening a new tab, but never
says he cleared the Firefox cache; could Firefox itself simply be
fishing the page up from memory? A simple tools > clear
everything would be a decent test.
I am using Torbutton. It is supposed to Torrify Firefox - yes?<br>
1) Sorry, should've mentioned clearing cache. It couldn't have been
(in this case) Firefox cache, because on one 'test,' I closed the
site's tab AND <u>cleared Fx cache</u>. Were no cookies involved.
Still same denial.<br>
2) Using Torbutton, in Preferences>Security Settings>Cache, "<u>block
Tor disk cache & clear all cache on Tor toggle</u>" is checked
by default. Implies Tor is ?? using memory cache?<br>
There is a 2nd setting, "block disk and memory cache during Tor" <br>
The Torbutton Design Documentation says Opt. 1 - above, <br>
<blockquote type="cite">This option causes Torbutton to call <a
on Tor toggle to remove all entries from the cache. In addition,
this setting
causes Torbutton to set <a class="ulink"
target="_top">browser.cache.disk.enable</a> to false.
I confirmed Torbutton enabled does set "browser.cache.disk.enable"
to false. So when Torbutton is enabled, no cache in Fx. Therefore,
the "clear all cache on Tor toggle" must be talking about Tor mem
cache (I assume).<br>
Torbutton Preferences description (for the 2 above ):<br>
<blockquote type="cite">
<li>Block Tor disk cache and clear all cache on Tor Toggle
<p> Since the browser cache can be leveraged to store unique
identifiers, cache must not persist across Tor sessions.
This option keeps the memory cache active during Tor usage
for performance, but blocks disk access for caching. </p>
<li>Block disk and memory cache during Tor
<p> This setting entirely blocks the cache during Tor, but
preserves it for Non-Tor usage. </p>
3) I'm sure I closed Fx, so that would've closed Torbutton &
(since mine is set to default) cleared all cache. Even though don't
have Torbutton's "Block disk & mem cache during Tor" check, when
I closed Fx & manually cleared it's cache, all disk & mem
cache should ? have been cleared. At the time, was trying to clear
every cache I could think of / find, so clicking my "Clear Cache"
addon's icon would've been 1st step.<br>
Why, after getting all new nodes & especially new exit node IP
address (I confirmed was a new address), would Tor send an <u>old
IP address</u> (? from memory) to the site? Doesn't make sense.
If Tor WAS sending an old address (to any site) after getting new
exit address, something's really wrong. Doubt that's the case.<br>
Further, for Torbutton FAQs:<br>
<blockquote type="cite"><strong><a class="anchor"
Firefox extensions do you recommend?</a></strong>
<li><a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/953">RefControl</a>
<p> Mentioned above, this extension allows more fine-grained
referrer spoofing than Torbutton currently provides. It
should break less sites than Torbutton's referrer spoofing
<li><a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/1474">SafeCache</a>
<p> If you use Tor excessively, and rarely disable it, you
probably want to install this extension to minimize the
ability of sites to store long term identifiers in your
cache. This extension applies same origin policy to the
cache, so that elements are retrieved from the cache only if
they are fetched from a document in the same origin domain
as the cached element. </p>
Not sure about the referrer spoofing - don't think it's relevant
here. Torbutton default is to disable sending referrer header - has
nothing to do w/ an "old" IP address.<br>
SafeCache: Don't know what this Torbutton FAQ is implying. If
Torbutton disables Fx from disk caching, & if Torbutton "block
Tor disk cache..." option is checked - what's left -memory?<br>
I don't know that SafeCache does anything w/ memory cache in any
manner. So, I'm confused why Torbutton page is recommending it. Is
the <u>Torbutton</u> page assuming <u>only</u> using Tor w/o
Torbutton (which, by default, disables disk caching)?<br>