[tor-talk] possible to lock TBB borders_prevent accidental resizing?

Joe joebtfsplk at gmx.com
Fri Oct 26 18:54:35 UTC 2018

Does anyone know of a way to lock the TBB borders, so they can't 
accidentally be grabbed & dragged once it's opened at the assigned size, 
based on physical screen size?
Maybe an about:config pref - possibly a hidden one?

The scrollbars & slider / thumb are so narrow in recent TBB  or Firefox 
versions, on desktop versions there's a fraction of an inch between 
grabbing the slider or grabbing the window border & moving it, unless 
you're very careful.

It seems like the screen borders should be locked - to maintain the 
assigned size, the same as the borders of any app in full screen mode 
can't be dragged accidentally.

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