[tor-talk] BSD + Tor [was: obfs4proxy / 1024]

George george at queair.net
Fri Apr 13 18:20:00 UTC 2018

> lama the:

resending with correct subject line...

>> Are you aware that the FreeBSD project indiscriminately block all Tor
>> users from their official forums? Not even read access. This is a
>> problem because the forums are a vital source of help and solutions
>> to problems. Why do you block even read access if not to send a very
>> aggressive message *against* Tor users? https://forums.freebsd.org/
> It doesn't seem consistently blocked from my angle. I can access over
> Tor, even without javascript enabled, but on occasion it is blocked.
> It's possible there's dynamic blocking of specific exits.
> But quite honestly, we should all figure out how to directly convince
> www providers that they shouldn't block all Tor. Expressing it here does
> little.  Blocking Tor IPs for www access tends to be a blunt "security
> measure" ignorant of the costs, and that's a reality we have to contend
> with.
> Maybe you reach out to the forum hosters, and when I get a chance, I can
> ping my contacts.
> more comments inline.
>> On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 11:28 AM, grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> BSD's are a family, with FreeBSD the largest userbase. It's has
>>> been around in essentially the same admin form for 25+ years...
>>> base = kernel + userland, then apps.
>>> https://www.freebsd.org/releases/11.1R/announce.html 
>>> https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ 
>>> https://download.freebsd.org/ftp/releases/ISO-IMAGES/11.1/
>>> mini-memstick found above can be written to USB and directly used
>>> as a "live" system without "installing" it. Write it to a 16G USB,
>>> boot it, add some more ZFS partitions and customize it from there. 
>>> Or "install" it to a second USB which is also "live".
>>> They don't preload the base images with their own idea of app sets,
>>> in fact /usr/local is empty for you to choose what you want... X,
>>> window manager, shells, browser, MUA, etc.
> yes. Take a quick browse at hier(7), likely the most underread manual
> page on every operating system.  /usr/local is only for installed ports
> and packages not in the base system.
> https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=hier&apropos=0&sektion=0&manpath=FreeBSD+11.1-RELEASE+and+Ports&arch=default&format=html
>>> https://www.freebsd.org/ports
>>> There's around 31,000 prebuilt application packages. Choose your
>>> list and 'pkg install <packagename>' each one.
>>> The latest versions of all those mentioned are in there...
>>> Tor OpenVPN 2.4.5 OpenJDK 8.162.12 I2P 0.9.33 Freenet -
>>> Not yet, but as with I2P, grabbing the jar and following the docs
>>> is easy enough.
> OnionShare is in the pipeline, and it needs a bump.
> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=225539
> (FreeBSD Bugzilla not blocking Tor...)
>>> Also mentioned was 'kenel hardening', 'secure OS', and 'slick'... a
>>> bit meaningless without further explicit example, use case, threat
>>> model. People can join HardenedBSD, TrustedBSD, create new, or use
>>> as is after seeing what's there.
>>> OpenBSD is pretty awesome too.
> Those "three BSDs" are different. TrustedBSD is an old security focused
> research project that was (mostly) integrated into FreeBSD base.
>>> With OPNsense, TrueOS and FreeNAS, DragonflyBSD, NetBSD, NAS4Free
>>> making up most of the rest of the current general and specific use
>>> space you can search out.
> DragonFly BSD is an actual BSD which forked from FreeBSD a long while
> back, and NetBSD was the first BSD out of Berkeley Unix along with
> FreeBSD.  The other projects use a BSD as their base to provide specific
> tools.
>>> Yes one problem with "linux" is you have to learn both the way of
>>> linux *and* the way of whichever distro on top is pulling the
>>> fragmented bazaar together, then maybe discover the first random
>>> distro out of dozens is not a good fit, or the distro guts and
>>> remodels itself on a whim, then take a shot at another random
>>> distro... a lot of time wasted on the distro layer alone. Do that
>>> problem two or three times and were probably better off running
>>> 'Linux From Scratch'.
>>> There's also people doing some TorBSD.org BSD + Tor / TBB project
>>> you could try / join.
> https://www.torbsd.org/ and we have a wiki at https://wiki.torbsd.org
>>> Even Whonix.
> g


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