No subject

Tue Mar 1 03:45:00 UTC 2011

Wireshark's ability to reconstitute a TCP stream was used to observe the
content being sent and received. I noticed a string that the client sends
out each time it establishes a connection with Tor.  The string is as
follows: Tor1.0 U Client <identity>0

Can anyone speak to this?

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I just read this article in the SANS reading room called &quot;Detecting and Preventing Anonymous Proxy Usage&quot;<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>

<br>From the article:<br>Wireshark&#39;s ability to reconstitute a TCP
stream was used to observe the content being sent and received. I
noticed a string that the client sends out each time it establishes a connection with Tor.&nbsp; The string is as follows: Tor1.0 U Client &lt;identity&gt;0<br><br>Can anyone speak to this?&nbsp; <br>


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