What are email risks?

tor at lists.grepular.com tor at lists.grepular.com
Mon Feb 7 09:41:06 UTC 2011

On 06/02/2011 17:30, Jerzy Łogiewa wrote:

> How do scrubbed versions of these headers affect deliverability? Do services flag as spam these messages?

The major part of my full time job is as an email administrator.
Scrubbing headers will affect deliverability to some systems. Probably
not as much as having a Tor exit node IP in your Received headers
though. Smarthosting through an anonymous GMail account is a good idea
because they don't put the connecting IP address into the Received
headers, and systems generally trust mail from GMail more anyway.

Mike Cardwell https://grepular.com/  https://twitter.com/mickeyc
Professional  http://cardwellit.com/ http://linkedin.com/in/mikecardwell
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