[Fwd: SpyBye 0.3 released]

Jacob Appelbaum jacob at appelbaum.net
Tue Jul 10 15:27:28 UTC 2007

This may be of interest to some people on this list.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: SpyBye 0.3 released
Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2007 22:51:21 -0400
From: Niels Provos <provos at citi.umich.edu>
To: bugtraq at securityfocus.com

SpyBye 0.3 was released today.  A major new feature is that SpyBye can be
used as a regular web proxy, for regular web browsing.  SpyBye still
all content automatically, but it happens in the background.  Whenever,
dangerous content is encountered, a warning notification is shown in your
browser that links to an in-depth analysis of the web page.

Proxy mode allows web masters to quickly browse over their sites to detect
malicious content, but it also allows users to protect their systems by
using SpyBye as their proxy.  The number of warning notifications
encountered by normal browsing may come as a surprise.

You can find the blog entry at


and source code for download at


Let me know if you have any feedback.

 Niels Provos.

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