Tor nodes question

Joel Franusic jfranusic at
Wed Aug 10 16:54:16 UTC 2005

The answer to your first question is on the Tor wiki:

On 8/10/05, mw_prev1 at <mw_prev1 at> wrote:
> I've just started using Tor and would appreciate
> any help with a few points I'm unsure about.
> 1. Is it possible to restrict entry/exit nodes by
> geographical location of the node?
> 2. Is it possible to ensure that each node in the
> circuit is located in a different country?  What
> are the chances that all 3 nodes will be located
> in the US, for example?  Is there any way to
> tell if this has happened?
> 3. Is it possible to trace individual packets back
> through the 3-node circuit?  If the exit node
> knows which node sent the packet, and that node
> (middle node) knows the entry node, and the entry
> node knows your IP, then couldn't someone trace
> any packets leaving the exit node back to source?
> --
>   mw_prev1 at
> --
> - The way an email service should be

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