[tor-relays] Just got my first Abuse email :-)

Roman Mamedov rm at romanrm.net
Wed Oct 11 10:11:57 UTC 2017

On Wed, 11 Oct 2017 09:38:22 +0000 (UTC)
Paul Templeton <paul at coffswifi.net> wrote:

> It makes me happy but alas it was forwarded to me by the provider and didn't include an email address... so now I can not reply, SIGH

I believe in such case you are supposed to reply to your provider, usually to
indicate that the problem the abuse report relates to "has been dealt with" and
will not repeat. In case of a Tor Exit you cannot guarantee that, aside from
removing port 22 from your exit policy.

> Question: this has come from port 22 usage - how important is this port to the general population? Thoughts...

There was a mini discussion recently on that, with the general consensus
seeming to be that keeping it open is more trouble than it's worth.

With respect,

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