[tbb-commits] [Git][tpo/applications/tor-browser-build][main] 3 commits: Bug 41112: Fix indentation of projects/browser/RelativeLink/start-browser

boklm (@boklm) git at gitlab.torproject.org
Mon Apr 22 17:10:28 UTC 2024

boklm pushed to branch main at The Tor Project / Applications / tor-browser-build

ac2bba26 by Nicolas Vigier at 2024-04-22T18:22:06+02:00
Bug 41112: Fix indentation of projects/browser/RelativeLink/start-browser

- - - - -
9b42ad01 by Nicolas Vigier at 2024-04-22T18:22:08+02:00
Bug 41083: Add more spaces to projects/browser/config

- - - - -
c93586fc by Nicolas Vigier at 2024-04-22T18:22:11+02:00
Bug 41083: Make a deb package for Mullvad Browser

- - - - -

17 changed files:

- projects/browser/RelativeLink/start-browser
- projects/browser/config
- + projects/linux-packages/Makefile.in
- + projects/linux-packages/build
- + projects/linux-packages/config
- + projects/linux-packages/debian/browser.desktop.in
- + projects/linux-packages/debian/changelog.in
- + projects/linux-packages/debian/compat
- + projects/linux-packages/debian/control.in
- + projects/linux-packages/debian/copyright.in
- + projects/linux-packages/debian/docs.in
- + projects/linux-packages/debian/install.in
- + projects/linux-packages/debian/links.in
- + projects/linux-packages/debian/rules
- projects/release/build
- projects/release/config
- rbm


@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ complain_dialog_title="[% c('var/Project_Name') %]"
 # Make sure this script wasn't started as 'sh start-[% c('var/project-name') %]' or similar.
 if [ "x$BASH" = "x" ]; then
-    echo "$complain_dialog_title should be started as './start-[% c('var/project-name') %]'"
-    echo "Exiting." >&2
-    exit 1;
+  echo "$complain_dialog_title should be started as './start-[% c('var/project-name') %]'"
+  echo "Exiting." >&2
+  exit 1;
 # Do not (try to) connect to the session manager
@@ -21,84 +21,86 @@ unset SESSION_MANAGER
 # Usage: complain message
 # message must not begin with a dash.
 complain () {
-	# Trim leading newlines, to avoid breaking formatting in some dialogs.
-	complain_message="`echo "$1" | sed '/./,$!d'`"
-	# If we're being run in debug/verbose mode, complain to stderr.
-	if [ "$show_output" -eq 1 ]; then
-		echo "$complain_message" >&2
-		return
-	fi
-	# Otherwise, we're being run by a GUI program of some sort;
-	# try to pop up a message in the GUI in the nicest way
-	# possible.
-	#
-	# In mksh, non-existent commands return 127; I'll assume all
-	# other shells set the same exit code if they can't run a
-	# command.  (xmessage returns 1 if the user clicks the WM
-	# close button, so we do need to look at the exact exit code,
-	# not just assume the command failed to display a message if
-	# it returns non-zero.)
-	# First, try zenity.
-	zenity --error \
-		--title="$complain_dialog_title" \
-		--text="$complain_message"
-	if [ "$?" -ne 127 ]; then
-		return
-	fi
-	# Try kdialog.
-	kdialog --title "$complain_dialog_title" \
-		--error "$complain_message"
-	if [ "$?" -ne 127 ]; then
-		return
-	fi
-	# Try xmessage.
-	xmessage -title "$complain_dialog_title" \
-		-center \
-		-buttons OK \
-		-default OK \
-		-xrm '*message.scrollVertical: Never' \
-		"$complain_message"
-	if [ "$?" -ne 127 ]; then
-		return
-	fi
-	# Try gxmessage.  This one isn't installed by default on
-	# Debian with the default GNOME installation, so it seems to
-	# be the least likely program to have available, but it might
-	# be used by one of the 'lightweight' Gtk-based desktop
-	# environments.
-	gxmessage -title "$complain_dialog_title" \
-		-center \
-		-buttons GTK_STOCK_OK \
-		-default OK \
-		"$complain_message"
-	if [ "$?" -ne 127 ]; then
-		return
-	fi
+  # Trim leading newlines, to avoid breaking formatting in some dialogs.
+  complain_message="`echo "$1" | sed '/./,$!d'`"
+  # If we're being run in debug/verbose mode, complain to stderr.
+  if [ "$show_output" -eq 1 ]; then
+    echo "$complain_message" >&2
+    return
+  fi
+  # Otherwise, we're being run by a GUI program of some sort;
+  # try to pop up a message in the GUI in the nicest way
+  # possible.
+  #
+  # In mksh, non-existent commands return 127; I'll assume all
+  # other shells set the same exit code if they can't run a
+  # command.  (xmessage returns 1 if the user clicks the WM
+  # close button, so we do need to look at the exact exit code,
+  # not just assume the command failed to display a message if
+  # it returns non-zero.)
+  # First, try zenity.
+  zenity --error \
+         --title="$complain_dialog_title" \
+         --text="$complain_message"
+  if [ "$?" -ne 127 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  # Try kdialog.
+  kdialog --title "$complain_dialog_title" \
+          --error "$complain_message"
+  if [ "$?" -ne 127 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  # Try xmessage.
+  xmessage -title "$complain_dialog_title" \
+           -center \
+           -buttons OK \
+           -default OK \
+           -xrm '*message.scrollVertical: Never' \
+           "$complain_message"
+  if [ "$?" -ne 127 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  # Try gxmessage.  This one isn't installed by default on
+  # Debian with the default GNOME installation, so it seems to
+  # be the least likely program to have available, but it might
+  # be used by one of the 'lightweight' Gtk-based desktop
+  # environments.
+  gxmessage -title "$complain_dialog_title" \
+            -center \
+            -buttons GTK_STOCK_OK \
+            -default OK \
+            "$complain_message"
+  if [ "$?" -ne 127 ]; then
+    return
+  fi
 if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
-	complain "The [% c('var/Project_Name') %] should not be run as root.  Exiting."
-	exit 1
+  complain "The [% c('var/Project_Name') %] should not be run as root.  Exiting."
+  exit 1
 if test -r /proc/cpuinfo && ! grep -q '^flags\s*:.* sse2' /proc/cpuinfo; then
-        complain "[% c('var/Project_Name') %] requires a CPU with SSE2 support.  Exiting."
-        exit 1
+  complain "[% c('var/Project_Name') %] requires a CPU with SSE2 support.  Exiting."
+  exit 1
 print_usage () {
-    printf "\n[% c('var/Project_Name') %] Script Options\n"
-    printf "  --verbose         Display [% IF c("var/tor-browser") -%]Tor and [% END -%]the browser output in the terminal\n"
-    printf "  --log [file]      Record [% IF c("var/tor-browser") -%]Tor and [% END -%]the browser output in file (default: [% c('var/project-name') %].log)\n"
-    printf "  --detach          Detach from terminal and run [% c('var/Project_Name') %] in the background.\n"
+  printf "\n[% c('var/Project_Name') %] Script Options\n"
+  printf "  --verbose         Display [% IF c("var/tor-browser") -%]Tor and [% END -%]the browser output in the terminal\n"
+  printf "  --log [file]      Record [% IF c("var/tor-browser") -%]Tor and [% END -%]the browser output in file (default: [% c('var/project-name') %].log)\n"
+  printf "  --detach          Detach from terminal and run [% c('var/Project_Name') %] in the background.\n"
+  if test -z "$system_install"; then
     printf "  --register-app    Register [% c('var/Project_Name') %] as a desktop app for this user\n"
     printf "  --unregister-app  Unregister [% c('var/Project_Name') %] as a desktop app for this user\n"
+  fi
@@ -108,116 +110,122 @@ register_desktop_app=0
 while :
-    case "$1" in
-      --detach)
-          detach=1
-          shift
-          ;;
-      -v | --verbose | -d | --debug)
-          show_output=1
-          verbose_arg="$2"
-          shift
-          ;;
-      -h | "-?" | --help | -help)
-          show_usage=1
-          show_output=1
-          shift
-          ;;
-      -l | --log)
-          if [ -z "$2" -o "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]; then
-             printf "Logging [% c('var/Project_Name') %] debug information to [% c('var/project-name') %].log\n"
-             logfile="../[% c('var/project-name') %].log"
-          elif [ "${2:0:1}" == "/" -o "${2:0:1}" == "~" ]; then
-             printf "Logging [% c('var/Project_Name') %] debug information to %s\n" "$2"
-             logfile="$2"
-             shift
-          else
-             printf "Logging [% c('var/Project_Name') %] debug information to %s\n" "$2"
-             logfile="../$2"
-             shift
-          fi
-          log_output=1
-          shift
-          ;;
-      --register-app)
-          register_desktop_app=1
-          show_output=1
-          shift
-          ;;
-      --unregister-app)
-          register_desktop_app=-1
-          show_output=1
-          shift
-          ;;
-      *) # No more options
-          break
-          ;;
-    esac
+  case "$1" in
+    --detach)
+      detach=1
+      shift
+      ;;
+    -v | --verbose | -d | --debug)
+      show_output=1
+      verbose_arg="$2"
+      shift
+      ;;
+    -h | "-?" | --help | -help)
+      show_usage=1
+      show_output=1
+      shift
+      ;;
+    -l | --log)
+      if [ -z "$2" -o "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]; then
+        printf "Logging [% c('var/Project_Name') %] debug information to [% c('var/project-name') %].log\n"
+        logfile="../[% c('var/project-name') %].log"
+      elif [ "${2:0:1}" == "/" -o "${2:0:1}" == "~" ]; then
+        printf "Logging [% c('var/Project_Name') %] debug information to %s\n" "$2"
+        logfile="$2"
+        shift
+      else
+        printf "Logging [% c('var/Project_Name') %] debug information to %s\n" "$2"
+        logfile="../$2"
+        shift
+      fi
+      log_output=1
+      shift
+      ;;
+    --register-app)
+      register_desktop_app=1
+      show_output=1
+      shift
+      ;;
+    --unregister-app)
+      register_desktop_app=-1
+      show_output=1
+      shift
+      ;;
+    *) # No more options
+      break
+      ;;
+  esac
 # We can't detach and show output at the same time..
 if [ "$show_output" -eq 1 -a "$detach" -eq 1 ]; then
-    detach=0
+  detach=0
 if [ "$show_output" -eq 0 ]; then
-    # If the user hasn't requested 'debug mode' or --help, close stdout and stderr,
-    # to keep Firefox and the stuff loaded by/for it (including the
-    # system's shared-library loader) from printing messages to
-    # $HOME/.xsession-errors or other files. (Users wouldn't have seen
-    # messages there anyway.)
-    exec > "$logfile"
-    exec 2> "$logfile"
+  # If the user hasn't requested 'debug mode' or --help, close stdout and stderr,
+  # to keep Firefox and the stuff loaded by/for it (including the
+  # system's shared-library loader) from printing messages to
+  # $HOME/.xsession-errors or other files. (Users wouldn't have seen
+  # messages there anyway.)
+  exec > "$logfile"
+  exec 2> "$logfile"
 # If XAUTHORITY is unset, set it to its default value of $HOME/.Xauthority
 # before we change HOME below.  (See xauth(1) and #1945.)  XDM and KDM rely
 # on applications using this default value.
 if [ -z "$XAUTHORITY" ]; then
-	XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority
+  XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority
+  export XAUTHORITY
 # If this script is being run through a symlink, we need to know where
 # in the filesystem the script itself is, not where the symlink is.
 if [ -L "$myname" ]; then
-	# XXX readlink is not POSIX, but is present in GNU coreutils
-	# and on FreeBSD.  Unfortunately, the -f option (which follows
-	# a whole chain of symlinks until it reaches a non-symlink
-	# path name) is a GNUism, so we have to have a fallback for
-	# FreeBSD.  Fortunately, FreeBSD has realpath instead;
-	# unfortunately, that's also non-POSIX and is not present in
-	# GNU coreutils.
-	#
-	# If this launcher were a C program, we could just use the
-	# realpath function, which *is* POSIX.  Too bad POSIX didn't
-	# make that function accessible to shell scripts.
-	# If realpath is available, use it; it Does The Right Thing.
-	possibly_my_real_name="`realpath "$myname" 2>/dev/null`"
-	if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
-		myname="$possibly_my_real_name"
-	else
-		# realpath is not available; hopefully readlink -f works.
-		myname="`readlink -f "$myname" 2>/dev/null`"
-		if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
-			# Ugh.
-			complain "start-[% c('var/project-name') %] cannot be run using a symlink on this operating system."
-		fi
-	fi
+  # XXX readlink is not POSIX, but is present in GNU coreutils
+  # and on FreeBSD.  Unfortunately, the -f option (which follows
+  # a whole chain of symlinks until it reaches a non-symlink
+  # path name) is a GNUism, so we have to have a fallback for
+  # FreeBSD.  Fortunately, FreeBSD has realpath instead;
+  # unfortunately, that's also non-POSIX and is not present in
+  # GNU coreutils.
+  #
+  # If this launcher were a C program, we could just use the
+  # realpath function, which *is* POSIX.  Too bad POSIX didn't
+  # make that function accessible to shell scripts.
+  # If realpath is available, use it; it Does The Right Thing.
+  possibly_my_real_name="`realpath "$myname" 2>/dev/null`"
+  if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
+    myname="$possibly_my_real_name"
+  else
+    # realpath is not available; hopefully readlink -f works.
+    myname="`readlink -f "$myname" 2>/dev/null`"
+    if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
+      # Ugh.
+      complain "start-[% c('var/project-name') %] cannot be run using a symlink on this operating system."
+    fi
+  fi
-# Try to be agnostic to where we're being started from, chdir to where
-# the script is.
-mydir="`dirname "$myname"`"
-test -d "$mydir" && cd "$mydir"
+cd "$(dirname "$myname")"
+if test -f "$browser_dir/is-packaged-app"; then
+  system_install=1
+  browser_home="$HOME/.[% pc('linux-packages', 'var/system_pkg/pkg_name') %]"
+  mkdir -p "$browser_home"
+  cd "$browser_home"
+  browser_home="$browser_dir"
 # If ${PWD} results in a zero length string, we can try something else...
 if [ ! "${PWD}" ]; then
-	# "hacking around some braindamage"
-	PWD="`pwd`"
-	surveysays="This system has a messed up shell.\n"
+  # "hacking around some braindamage"
+  PWD="`pwd`"
+  surveysays="This system has a messed up shell.\n"
 # This is a fix for an ibus issue on some Linux systems. See #9353 for more
@@ -227,46 +235,48 @@ if [ ! -d ".config/ibus" ]; then
   ln -nsf ~/.config/ibus/bus .config/ibus
-# Fix up .desktop Icon and Exec Paths, and update the .desktop file from the
-# canonical version if it was changed by the updater.
-cp start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop ../
-sed -i -e "s,^Name=.*,Name=[% c('var/Project_Name') %],g" ../start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop
-sed -i -e "s,^Icon=.*,Icon=$PWD/browser/chrome/icons/default/default128.png,g" ../start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop
-sed -i -e "s,^Icon=.*,Icon=$PWD/browser/chrome/icons/default/default128.png,g" start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop
-sed -i -e "s,^Exec=.*,Exec=sh -c '\"$PWD/start-[% c('var/project-name') %]\" --detach || ([ !  -x \"$PWD/start-[% c('var/project-name') %]\" ] \&\& \"\$(dirname \"\$*\")\"/Browser/start-[% c('var/project-name') %] --detach)' dummy %k,g" ../start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop
-if [ "$register_desktop_app" -eq 1 ]; then
-	mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/share/applications/"
-	cp ../start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop "$HOME/.local/share/applications/"
-	update-desktop-database "$HOME/.local/share/applications/"
-	printf "[% c('var/Project_Name') %] has been registered as a desktop app for this user in ~/.local/share/applications/\n"
-	exit 0
-if [ "$register_desktop_app" -eq -1 ]; then
-	if [ -e "$HOME/.local/share/applications/start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop" ]; then
-		rm -f "$HOME/.local/share/applications/start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop"
-		update-desktop-database "$HOME/.local/share/applications/"
-		printf "[% c('var/Project_Name') %] has been removed as a user desktop app (from ~/.local/share/applications/)\n"
-	else
-		printf "[% c('var/Project_Name') %] does not appear to be a desktop app (not present in ~/.local/share/applications/)\n"
-	fi
-	exit 0
+if test -z "$system_install"; then
+  # Fix up .desktop Icon and Exec Paths, and update the .desktop file from the
+  # canonical version if it was changed by the updater.
+  cp start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop ../
+  sed -i -e "s,^Name=.*,Name=[% c('var/Project_Name') %],g" ../start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop
+  sed -i -e "s,^Icon=.*,Icon=$PWD/browser/chrome/icons/default/default128.png,g" ../start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop
+  sed -i -e "s,^Icon=.*,Icon=$PWD/browser/chrome/icons/default/default128.png,g" start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop
+  sed -i -e "s,^Exec=.*,Exec=sh -c '\"$PWD/start-[% c('var/project-name') %]\" --detach || ([ !  -x \"$PWD/start-[% c('var/project-name') %]\" ] \&\& \"\$(dirname \"\$*\")\"/Browser/start-[% c('var/project-name') %] --detach)' dummy %k,g" ../start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop
+  if [ "$register_desktop_app" -eq 1 ]; then
+    mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/share/applications/"
+    cp ../start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop "$HOME/.local/share/applications/"
+    update-desktop-database "$HOME/.local/share/applications/"
+    printf "[% c('var/Project_Name') %] has been registered as a desktop app for this user in ~/.local/share/applications/\n"
+    exit 0
+  fi
+  if [ "$register_desktop_app" -eq -1 ]; then
+    if [ -e "$HOME/.local/share/applications/start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop" ]; then
+      rm -f "$HOME/.local/share/applications/start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop"
+      update-desktop-database "$HOME/.local/share/applications/"
+      printf "[% c('var/Project_Name') %] has been removed as a user desktop app (from ~/.local/share/applications/)\n"
+    else
+      printf "[% c('var/Project_Name') %] does not appear to be a desktop app (not present in ~/.local/share/applications/)\n"
+    fi
+    exit 0
+  fi
 export HOME
 # Prevent disk leaks in $HOME/.local/share (tor-browser#17560)
 function erase_leaky() {
-	local leaky="$1"
-	[ -e "$leaky" ] &&
-	( srm -r "$leaky" ||
-	  wipe -r "$leaky" ||
-	  find "$leaky" -type f -exec shred -u {} \; ;
-	  rm -rf "$leaky"
-	) > /dev/null 2>&1
+  local leaky="$1"
+  [ -e "$leaky" ] &&
+    ( srm -r "$leaky" ||
+      wipe -r "$leaky" ||
+      find "$leaky" -type f -exec shred -u {} \; ;
+      rm -rf "$leaky"
+    ) > /dev/null 2>&1
@@ -275,14 +285,14 @@ share_dir="$local_dir/share"
 # We're not using realpath/readlink for consistency with the (possibly
 # outdated) availability assumptions made elsewhere in this script.
 if ! [ -L "$local_dir" -o -L "$share_dir" ]; then
-	if [ -d "$share_dir" ]; then
-		for leaky_path in "gvfs-metadata" "recently-used.xbel"; do
-			erase_leaky "$share_dir/$leaky_path"
-		done
-	else
-		mkdir -p "$local_dir"
-	fi
-	ln -fs /dev/null "$share_dir"
+  if [ -d "$share_dir" ]; then
+    for leaky_path in "gvfs-metadata" "recently-used.xbel"; do
+      erase_leaky "$share_dir/$leaky_path"
+    done
+  else
+    mkdir -p "$local_dir"
+  fi
+  ln -fs /dev/null "$share_dir"
 [ -L "$HOME/.cache" ] || erase_leaky "$HOME/.cache/nvidia"
@@ -291,8 +301,8 @@ SYSARCHITECTURE=$(getconf LONG_BIT)
 TORARCHITECTURE=$(expr "$(file TorBrowser/Tor/tor)" : '.*ELF \([[:digit:]]*\)')
-   complain "Wrong architecture? 32-bit vs. 64-bit."
-   exit 1
+  complain "Wrong architecture? 32-bit vs. 64-bit."
+  exit 1
 [% END -%]
@@ -305,27 +315,27 @@ export ASAN_OPTIONS
 [% IF c("var/tor-browser") -%]
 function setControlPortPasswd() {
-    local ctrlPasswd=$1
-    if test -z "$ctrlPasswd" -o "$ctrlPasswd" = $'\"secret\"' ; then
-        unset TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD
-        return
-    fi
-    if test "${ctrlPasswd:0:1}" = $'\"'; then  # First 2 chars were '"
-        printf "Using system Tor process.\n"
-        export TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD
-    else
-        complain "There seems to have been a quoting problem with your \
+  local ctrlPasswd=$1
+  if test -z "$ctrlPasswd" -o "$ctrlPasswd" = $'\"secret\"' ; then
+    return
+  fi
+  if test "${ctrlPasswd:0:1}" = $'\"'; then  # First 2 chars were '"
+    printf "Using system Tor process.\n"
+  else
+    complain "There seems to have been a quoting problem with your \
 TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD environment variable."
-	echo "The Tor ControlPort password should be given inside double"
-	echo "quotes, inside single quotes. That is, if the ControlPort"
-	echo 'password is “secret” (without curly quotes) then we must'
-	echo "start this script after setting the environment variable"
-	echo "exactly like this:"
-	echo
-	echo "  \$ TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD='\"secret\"' $myname"
-    fi
+    echo "The Tor ControlPort password should be given inside double"
+    echo "quotes, inside single quotes. That is, if the ControlPort"
+    echo 'password is “secret” (without curly quotes) then we must'
+    echo "start this script after setting the environment variable"
+    echo "exactly like this:"
+    echo
+    echo "  \$ TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD='\"secret\"' $myname"
+  fi
 # Using a system-installed Tor process with Tor Browser:
@@ -367,7 +377,7 @@ setControlPortPasswd ${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD:='"secret"'}
 [% END -%]
 # Set up custom bundled fonts. See fonts-conf(5).
-export FONTCONFIG_PATH="${HOME}/fontconfig"
+export FONTCONFIG_PATH="$browser_dir/fontconfig"
 export FONTCONFIG_FILE="fonts.conf"
 [% # tor-browser#41776: We cannot make the updater remove this file.
    # So, let's remove it on this script, since we know that at this point the
@@ -397,19 +407,19 @@ cd "${HOME}"
 # prevent from mixing up with them).
 if [ "$show_usage" -eq 1 ]; then
-    # Display Firefox help, then our help
-    [% IF c("var/tor-browser") %]TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD=${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD}[% END %] ./[% c('var/exe_name') %] --help 2>/dev/null
-    print_usage
+  # Display Firefox help, then our help
+  [% IF c("var/tor-browser") %]TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD=${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD}[% END %] "$browser_dir"/[% c('var/exe_name') %] --help 2>/dev/null
+  print_usage
 elif [ "$detach" -eq 1 ] ; then
-    [% IF c("var/tor-browser") %]TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD=${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD}[% END %] ./[% c('var/exe_name') %] "${@}" > "$logfile" 2>&1 </dev/null &
-        disown "$!"
+  [% IF c("var/tor-browser") %]TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD=${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD}[% END %] "$browser_dir"/[% c('var/exe_name') %] "${@}" > "$logfile" 2>&1 </dev/null &
+  disown "$!"
 elif [ "$log_output" -eq 1 -a "$show_output" -eq 1 ]; then
-    [% IF c("var/tor-browser") %]TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD=${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD}[% END %] ./[% c('var/exe_name') %] "${@}" 2>&1 </dev/null | \
-        tee "$logfile"
+  [% IF c("var/tor-browser") %]TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD=${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD}[% END %] "$browser_dir"/[% c('var/exe_name') %] "${@}" 2>&1 </dev/null | \
+    tee "$logfile"
 elif [ "$show_output" -eq 1 ]; then
-    [% IF c("var/tor-browser") %]TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD=${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD}[% END %] ./[% c('var/exe_name') %] "${@}" < /dev/null
+  [% IF c("var/tor-browser") %]TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD=${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD}[% END %] "$browser_dir"/[% c('var/exe_name') %] "${@}" < /dev/null
-    [% IF c("var/tor-browser") %]TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD=${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD}[% END %] ./[% c('var/exe_name') %] "${@}" > "$logfile" 2>&1 </dev/null
+  [% IF c("var/tor-browser") %]TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD=${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD}[% END %] "$browser_dir"/[% c('var/exe_name') %] "${@}" > "$logfile" 2>&1 </dev/null
 exit $?

@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ var:
   mar_osname: '[% c("var/osname") %]'
   version_json: version.json
@@ -23,6 +25,7 @@ targets:
         # share the container to reduce space used.
         - libc6-i386
       pt_path: ./TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/
@@ -32,14 +35,17 @@ targets:
         - python3-distutils-extra
         - python3-psutil
       pt_path: PluggableTransports/
       mar_osname: macos
         - python3-pefile
       pt_path: TorBrowser\Tor\PluggableTransports\
     build: '[% INCLUDE build.android %]'
@@ -53,17 +59,21 @@ targets:
         # apksigner.
         suite: bookworm
         arch: amd64
       prefs_file: 000-tor-browser.js
       version_json: tbb_version.json
       prefs_file: 001-base-profile.js
       prefs_file: 001-base-profile.js
   - project: container-image
   - project: firefox

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+	rm -f "${DEB_TARGET_ARCH}/Browser/start-[% c('var/project-name') %].desktop"
+	echo 'This is a packaged app.' > "${DEB_TARGET_ARCH}/Browser/is-packaged-app"
+	[% c("touch") %] "${DEB_TARGET_ARCH}/Browser/is-packaged-app"
+	rm -f "${DEB_TARGET_ARCH}/Browser/is-packaged-app"

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+[% c("var/set_default_env") -%]
+distdir=/var/tmp/dist/[% project %]
+OUTDIR='[% dest_dir _ "/" _ c("filename") %]'
+mkdir -p $OUTDIR
+mkdir -p "$distdir"
+export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH='[% c("timestamp") %]'
+[% IF c("var/build_deb_pkg") -%]
+  cd $distdir
+  project_dir=[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %]-[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_version") %]
+  mkdir "$project_dir"
+  mv $rootdir/Makefile "$project_dir"
+  [% c('tar', {
+        tar_src => [ '$project_dir' ],
+        tar_args => '-cJf ' _ c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") _ '_' _ c("var/system_pkg/pkg_version") _ '.orig.tar.xz',
+       }) %]
+  cd "$project_dir"
+  mv $rootdir/debian .
+  chmod +x debian/install debian/docs debian/rules
+  mkdir debian/source
+  echo -n '3.0 (quilt)' > debian/source/format
+  function extract_src_tar {
+    src_tar="$1"
+    deb_arch="$2"
+    mkdir $deb_arch
+    tar -C $deb_arch --strip-components=1 -xf "$src_tar"
+    mv "$src_tar" \
+      ../[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %]_[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_version") %].orig-$deb_arch.tar.xz
+  }
+  [% IF c("var/browser-linux-x86_64") -%]
+    extract_src_tar \
+      $rootdir/[% c('input_files_by_name/linux-x86_64') %]/[% c("var/project-name") %]-linux-x86_64-[% c("version") %].tar.xz \
+      amd64
+  [% END -%]
+  [% IF c("var/browser-linux-i686") -%]
+    extract_src_tar \
+      $rootdir/[% c('input_files_by_name/linux-x86_64') %]/[% c("var/project-name") %]-linux-i686-[% c("version") %].tar.xz \
+      i386
+  [% END -%]
+  [% FOREACH deb_arch = c("var_p/system_pkg/deb_archs") -%]
+    dpkg-buildpackage --unsigned-source --unsigned-changes --build=full --host-arch=[% deb_arch %]
+    deb_file_name='[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %]_[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_version") %]-[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_revision") %]_[% deb_arch %].deb'
+    dpkg-deb --info "../$deb_file_name"
+    pushd ..
+    mv -f "$deb_file_name" *.dsc *.orig.tar.xz *.debian.tar.xz "$OUTDIR/"
+    popd
+  [% END -%]
+[% END %]

@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# vim: filetype=yaml sw=2
+version: '[% c("var/torbrowser_version") %]'
+filename: '[% c("var/project-name") %]-[% c("version") %]-[% c("var/build_id") %]'
+timestamp: '[% c("var/browser_release_date_timestamp") %]'
+  use_container: 1
+  build_deb_pkg: '[% c("var/mullvad-browser") %]'
+  system_pkg:
+    install_path: 'usr/lib/[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %]'
+    pkg_name: '[% c("var/project-name") %]-[% c("var/channel") %]'
+    pkg_version: '[% c("var/torbrowser_version") %]-[% c("var/torbrowser_build") %]'
+    pkg_revision: '1'
+    pkg_description: '[% c("var/display_name") %]'
+    deb_release_date: '[% USE date; date.format(c("timestamp"), format = "%a, %d %b %Y 01:02:03 +0000", locale = "en_US") %]'
+    # Use var_p/system_pkg/deb_archs for the processed list
+    deb_archs_list:
+      - '[% IF c("var/browser-linux-x86_64") %]amd64[% END %]'
+      - '[% IF c("var/browser-linux-i686") %]i386[% END %]'
+  arch_deps:
+    # Packages needed to build the deb package
+    - dpkg-dev
+    - debhelper
+    - dh-exec
+    # Packages needed to generate dependencies for the deb package
+    - linux-libc-dev
+    - libasound2-dev
+    - libfontconfig1-dev
+    - libfreetype6-dev
+    - libgconf2-dev
+    - libgtk-3-dev
+    - libpango1.0-dev
+    - libpulse-dev
+    - libx11-xcb-dev
+    - libxt-dev
+  browser-all:
+    - browser-linux-x86_64
+    - browser-linux-i686
+  browser-all-desktop: browser-all
+  browser-linux-x86_64:
+    var:
+      browser-linux-x86_64: 1
+  browser-linux-i686:
+    var:
+      browser-linux-i686: '[% c("var/browser_type") != "mullvadbrowser" %]'
+  torbrowser:
+    var:
+      browser_type: torbrowser
+  basebrowser:
+    var:
+      browser_type: basebrowser
+  mullvadbrowser:
+    var:
+      browser_type: mullvadbrowser
+      system_pkg:
+        pkg_description: 'Mullvad Browser is a privacy-focused web browser designed to minimize tracking and fingerprinting.'
+  release:
+    var:
+      build_target: release
+      system_pkg:
+        pkg_name: '[% c("var/project-name") %]'
+  nightly:
+    var:
+      build_target: nightly
+      system_pkg:
+        # debian package version needs to start with a number
+        pkg_version: '[% pc("firefox", "var/browser_series") %]~[% c("var/torbrowser_version") FILTER remove("tbb-nightly.") %]'
+  alpha:
+    var:
+      build_target: alpha
+  testbuild:
+    var:
+      testbuild: 1
+      build_target: '[% c("var/browser_type") %]-testbuild'
+  - project: container-image
+  - name: linux-x86_64
+    project: browser
+    enable: '[% c("var/browser-linux-x86_64") %]'
+    target:
+      - '[% c("var/build_target") %]'
+      - '[% c("var/browser_type") %]-linux-x86_64'
+  - name: linux-i686
+    project: browser
+    enable: '[% c("var/browser-linux-i686") %]'
+    target:
+      - '[% c("var/build_target") %]'
+      - '[% c("var/browser_type") %]-linux-i686'
+  - filename: Makefile
+    content: "[% INCLUDE 'Makefile.in' %]"
+    refresh_input: 1
+  # Debian Package
+  - filename: debian/changelog
+    content: "[% INCLUDE 'debian/changelog.in' %]"
+    refresh_input: 1
+    enable: '[% c("var/build_deb_pkg") %]'
+  - filename: debian/compat
+    enable: '[% c("var/build_deb_pkg") %]'
+  - filename: debian/control
+    content: "[% INCLUDE 'debian/control.in' %]"
+    refresh_input: 1
+    enable: '[% c("var/build_deb_pkg") %]'
+  - filename: debian/copyright
+    content: "[% INCLUDE 'debian/copyright.in' %]"
+    refresh_input: 1
+    enable: '[% c("var/build_deb_pkg") %]'
+  - filename: debian/install
+    content: "[% INCLUDE 'debian/install.in' %]"
+    refresh_input: 1
+    enable: '[% c("var/build_deb_pkg") %]'
+  - filename: debian/docs
+    content: "[% INCLUDE 'debian/docs.in' %]"
+    refresh_input: 1
+    enable: '[% c("var/build_deb_pkg") %]'
+  - filename: 'debian/[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %].desktop'
+    content: "[% INCLUDE 'debian/browser.desktop.in' %]"
+    refresh_input: 1
+    enable: '[% c("var/build_deb_pkg") %]'
+  - filename: debian/links
+    content: "[% INCLUDE 'debian/links.in' %]"
+    refresh_input: 1
+    enable: '[% c("var/build_deb_pkg") %]'
+  - filename: debian/rules
+    enable: '[% c("var/build_deb_pkg") %]'
+--- |
+  # This part of the file contains options written in perl
+  (
+    var_p => {
+      system_pkg => {
+        deb_archs => sub {
+          my ($project, $options) = @_;
+          my $deb_archs = project_config($project,
+                                    'var/system_pkg/deb_archs_list', $options);
+          return [
+            grep { $_ } map { process_template($project, $_, '.') } @$deb_archs
+          ];
+        },
+      },
+    },
+  )

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=[% c("var/Project_Name") %]
+GenericName=Web Browser
+Comment=[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_description") %]
+Exec=/[% c("var/system_pkg/install_path") %]/start-[% c("var/project-name") %]  --detach
+X-[% c("var/ProjectName") %]-ExecShell=/[% c("var/system_pkg/install_path") %]/start-[% c("var/project-name") %]  --detach
+Icon=[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %]
+StartupWMClass=[% c("var/display_name") %]

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %] ([% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_version") %]-[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_revision") %]) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * [% c("var/Project_Name") %] [% c("var/torbrowser_version") %]
+ -- [% c("var/Project_Name") %] Developers <torbrowser at torproject.org>  [% c("var/system_pkg/deb_release_date") %]

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Source: [% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %]
+Maintainer: [% c("var/Project_Name") %] Developers <torbrowser at torproject.org>
+Priority: optional
+Section: web
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9)
+Package: [% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %]
+Architecture: [% c("var_p/system_pkg/deb_archs").join(" ") %]
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
+Description: [% c('var/display_name') %]
+ [% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_description") %]

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
+Source:: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser-build/
+Upstream-Name: [% c("var/Project_Name") %]
+ License for the build recipes and tools used for building [% c("var/Project_Name") %]
+ can be found at this URL:
+  https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser-build/-/blob/main/LICENSE
+ For the license of specific components included in [% c("var/Project_Name") %], see
+ this directory:
+  /usr/share/doc/[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %]/Licenses

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#! /usr/bin/dh-exec
+${DEB_HOST_ARCH}/Browser/[% c("var/ProjectName") %]/Docs/ChangeLog.txt
+${DEB_HOST_ARCH}/Browser/[% c("var/ProjectName") %]/Docs/Licenses/

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#! /usr/bin/dh-exec
+${DEB_HOST_ARCH}/Browser/* [% c("var/system_pkg/install_path") %]
+debian/[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %].desktop usr/share/applications

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+[% c("var/system_pkg/install_path") %]/start-[% c("var/project-name") %] usr/bin/[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %]
+[% c("var/system_pkg/install_path") %]/browser/chrome/icons/default/default16.png usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %].png
+[% c("var/system_pkg/install_path") %]/browser/chrome/icons/default/default32.png usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %].png
+[% c("var/system_pkg/install_path") %]/browser/chrome/icons/default/default48.png usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %].png
+[% c("var/system_pkg/install_path") %]/browser/chrome/icons/default/default64.png usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %].png
+[% c("var/system_pkg/install_path") %]/browser/chrome/icons/default/default128.png usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %].png
+[% c("var/system_pkg/install_path") %]/browser/chrome/icons/default/about-logo.svg usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/[% c("var/system_pkg/pkg_name") %].svg

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+	dh $@
+	dh_strip_nondeterminism -Xxpi
+	dh_shlibdeps -Xabicheck

@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ mkdir -p "$destdir"
 [% IF c("var/browser-linux-x86_64") -%]
   mv [% c('input_files_by_name/linux-x86_64') %]/* "$destdir"/
 [% END -%]
+[% IF c("var/linux-packages") -%]
+  mv [% c('input_files_by_name/linux-packages') %]/* "$destdir"/
+[% END -%]
 [% IF c("var/browser-src") -%]
   mv  [% c('input_files_by_name/src-firefox') %]      \
@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ EOF
 # empty any existing sh256sums file
 echo -n > sha256sums-unsigned-build.txt
 # concat sha256sum entry for each file in set
-for i in $(ls -1 *.exe *.tar.xz *.dmg *.mar *.zip *.tar.gz *.apk *.bspatch *.json | grep -v '\.incremental\.mar$' | sort)
+for i in $(ls -1 *.exe *.tar.xz *.dmg *.mar *.zip *.tar.gz *.apk *.bspatch *.json *.deb | grep -v '\.incremental\.mar$' | sort)
   sha256sum $i >> sha256sums-unsigned-build.txt

@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ targets:
       browser-linux-x86_64: 1
+      linux-packages: '[% c("var/mullvad-browser") %]'
       browser-linux-x86_64: 1
@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ targets:
       browser-linux-i686: '[% c("var/browser_type") != "mullvadbrowser" %]'
+      linux-packages: '[% c("var/mullvad-browser") %]'
       browser-windows-i686: '[% c("var/browser_type") != "mullvadbrowser" %]'
@@ -186,6 +188,14 @@ input_files:
       - '[% c("var/build_target") %]'
       - '[% c("var/browser_type") %]-linux-i686'
+  - name: linux-packages
+    project: linux-packages
+    enable: '[% c("var/linux-packages") %]'
+    # Add linux-x86_64 targets for container config
+    target_prepend:
+      - linux-x86_64
+      - linux
   - name: windows-i686
     project: browser
     enable: '[% c("var/browser-windows-i686") %]'

@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 10c6b24e90e3dc9c2578290a7d82a87b7f4eb9a3
+Subproject commit 05e32169dfad9f3cc3eb6aa3f93d9b7a1690290e

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser-build/-/compare/40425dd29bbcede26edf2db01da8d3287adeda1b...c93586fc118b4e8bde7f26d9b0fe5bb32844bd7e

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