[ooni-talk] New OONI release: Test sites you care about!

Maria Xynou maria at openobservatory.org
Wed Sep 27 16:05:31 UTC 2017

Hello Oonitarians,

The OONI team is super excited to announce.... OONI Run!

OONI Run is a new OONI Probe mobile app feature linked to this site:

Through this site, you can:

* Engage your friends (and the world) with censorship measurement tests!

* Monitor the blocking of your site (and other sites you care about)
around the world!

Heard of censorship events but would like to have data to verify them?
Suspecting that censorship may occur leading up to or during political

*Our solution to this is OONI Run.*

We are excited about OONI Run because it can help build a *global
community that monitors and responds to censorship events around the world.*

Add sites to OONI Run, generate a link, and share it with your friends
and with the world! If they have the OONI Probe mobile app already
installed, it will automatically start running the tests (and testing
the sites) of your choice! If they don't have OONI Probe installed, in
will encourage them to first install the app (to then start running the

Has your site been censored by governments around the world (or do you
suspect that that may happen)? Through OONI Run (https://run.ooni.io/)
you can get OONI Probe widget code so that the global OONI Probe
community can test your site!

Learn more about OONI Run through our blog post:




Together, we can coordinate to fight internet censorship around the world.

Happy testing!

~ The OONI team.

Maria Xynou
Research and Partnerships Coordinator
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
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